Evan Carroll and John Romano appeared on NPR’s Fresh Air on January 10th. In the interview with Dave Davies, the authors covered various topics from the book. You can read the rundown or listen to the segment on NPR’s site.
“ The problem with our afterlives—where ever they may be—, as zombies know too well, is keeping our earthly remains in tact, recognizable and resting in the right places. In Your Digital Afterlife, Evan Carroll and John Romano draw on their years of considering the afterlife of our digital assets from their blog, The Digital Beyond, to help us understand how to leave the digital elements of our pasts to caring curators of our choice. One thing is certain, we'll all need this good advice. ”
-Paul Jones, director, ibiblio.org, UNC-Chapel Hill
More ReviewsNews
Book featured on NPR’s Fresh Air
January 10th, 2011
Book in New York Times Magazine
January 5th, 2011
The New York Times Magazine published an article by Rob Walker, Cyberspace When You’re Dead. It provides a thorough overview of the digital death community and mentions Your Digital Afterlife, authors Evan Carroll and John Romano, and their website, The Digital Beyond.
Book Review: by Thomas Duff
January 2nd, 2011
Thomas Duff has reviewed our book and says Your Digital Afterlife is “a fascinating read.” From his review:
“Especially dramatic is the comparison of communication from people who are serving during a time of war. Letters from the front-line are saved, re-read, age, and are part of an overall memory. Now you get emails that only exist in electronic form, and are quickly read, replied to, and saved in a mailbox. The immediacy and format of the message makes it more transitory, and less likely it will be handed down to future generations.”
Book now available
November 17th, 2010
Last week we received our author copies of the book and it looks great.
Today is the official release date for the book! From first inquiry to today, we’ve spent 317 days creating the book. It’s exciting to finally share it with you.
If you pre-ordered, you can expect your copies very soon. If you’re waiting to see it in the stores it will be available in the next few weeks.
Book announcement from Entrustet
October 23rd, 2010
Nathan Lustig at Entrustet has announced the pre-release of our book, Your Digital Afterlife, on the Entrustet blog. The article talks about the changing attitudes that we have toward our digital assets and digital estate planning.
John and Evan Interviewed on SXSW “Speakers in the News”
October 1st, 2010
SXSW has posted an interview with Evan and John to their “Speakers in the News” section. They announced that John and Evan will be returning to SXSW in 2011 to host a panel. They also mention our previous sessions from the past two years at SXSW and the upcoming release of our book.
Read the full interview on their site, or see all the other great programming that SXSW has in store for 2011.